Mar 30, 2022
Securities regulators estimate that at least 5 million elderly Americans become victims of financial fraud and other scams each year. With this kind of abuse only expected to increase, these regulators are strongly recommending that seniors formally appoint one or more children, relatives or friends as “trusted...
Mar 11, 2022
The S&P has been very volatile since January, after reaching many record highs over the past seven years. It’s hard for any investor not to feel overwhelmed and worried during these turbulent times. Watch nationally known financial commentators and co-hosts of the award-winning podcast Friends Talk Money, Terry...
Mar 2, 2022
Mental health studies have shown that those who do nothing after retirement increase their chances of suffering from clinical depression by 40%. That’s why many retirees are choosing to “unretire.” This doesn’t necessarily mean going back to work full-time. Instead, it’s about filling your day with...